
Grimp provides an API in the form of an ImportGraph that represents all the imports within a top-level Python package. This object has various methods that make it easy to find out information about that package’s structure and interdependencies.


The terminology around Python packages and modules can be a little confusing. Here are the definitions we use, taken in part from the official Python docs:

  • Module: A file containing Python definitions and statements. This includes ordinary .py files and files.
  • Package: A special kind of module that namespaces other modules using dotted module names. For example, the module name A.B designates a submodule named B in a package named A. Packages take the form of files in a container directory. Packages may contain other packages. A package is also a module.
  • Top Level Package: A package in the root namespace - in other words, one that is not a subpackage. For example, A is a top level package, but A.B is not.
  • Graph: A graph in the mathematical sense of a collection of items with relationships between them. Grimp’s ImportGraph is a directed graph of imports contained in a particular top level package.
  • Direct Import: An import from one module to another.
  • Import Chain: A chain of direct imports between two modules, possibly via other modules. For example, if imports, which in turn imports mypackage.baz, then there is an import chain between and mypackage.baz.
  • Squashed Module: A module in the graph that represents both itself and all its descendants. Squashed modules allow parts of the graph to be simplified. For example, if you include external packages when building the graph, each external package will exist in the graph as a single squashed module.

Building the graph

import grimp

graph = grimp.build_graph('mypackage')
grimp.build_graph(package_name, include_external_packages=False)

Build and return an ImportGraph for the supplied package.

  • package_name (str) – The name of the top level package, for example 'mypackage'.
  • include_external_packages (bool) – Whether to include external packages in the import graph. If this is True, any other top level packages that are imported by this top level package (including packages in the standard library) will be included in the graph as squashed modules (see Terminology above). Note: external packages are only analysed as modules that are imported; any imports they make themselves will not be included in the graph.

An import graph that you can use to analyse the package.

Return type:


Methods for analysing the module tree


All the modules contained in the graph.

return:Set of module names.
rtype:A set of strings.

Return all the immediate children of the module, i.e. the modules that have a dotted module name that is one level below.

param str module:
 The importable name of the module, e.g. 'mypackage' or ''. This may be any module within the package. It doesn’t need to be a package itself, though if it isn’t, it will have no children.
return:Set of module names.
rtype:A set of strings.
raises:ValueError if the module is a squashed module, as by definition it represents both itself and all of its descendants.

Return all the descendants of the module, i.e. the modules that have a dotted module name that is below the supplied module, to any depth.

param str module:
 The importable name of the module, e.g. 'mypackage' or ''. As with find_children, this doesn’t have to be a package, though if it isn’t then the set will be empty.
return:Set of module names.
rtype:A set of strings.
raises:ValueError if the module is a squashed module, as by definition it represents both itself and all of its descendants.

Methods for analysing direct imports

ImportGraph.direct_import_exists(importer, imported, as_packages=False)
  • importer (str) – A module name.
  • imported (str) – A module name.
  • as_packages (bool) – Whether or not to treat the supplied modules as individual modules, or as entire packages (including any descendants).

Whether or not the importer directly imports the imported module.

Return type:

True or False.

Parameters:module (str) – A module name.
Returns:Set of all modules in the graph are imported by the supplied module.
Return type:A set of strings.
Parameters:module (str) – A module name.
Returns:Set of all modules in the graph that directly import the supplied module.
Return type:A set of strings.
ImportGraph.get_import_details(importer, imported)

Provides a way of seeing the details of direct imports between two modules (usually there will be only one of these, but it is possible for a module to import another module twice).

The details are in the following form:

        'importer': 'mypackage.importer',
        'imported': 'mypackage.imported',
        'line_number': 5,
        'line_contents': 'from mypackage import imported',
    # (additional imports here)
  • importer (str) – A module name.
  • imported (str) – A module name.

A list of the details of every direct import between two modules.

Return type:

List of dictionaries.

Returns:The number of direct imports in the graph.
Return type:Integer.

Methods for analysing import chains

ImportGraph.find_downstream_modules(module, as_package=False)
  • module (str) – A module name.
  • as_package (bool) – Whether or not to treat the supplied module as an individual module, or as an entire package (including any descendants). If treating it as a package, the result will include downstream modules external to the supplied module, and won’t include modules within it.

All the modules that import (even indirectly) the supplied module.

Return type:

A set of strings.


# Returns the modules downstream of

# Returns the modules downstream of, and
import_graph.find_downstream_modules('', as_package=True)
ImportGraph.find_upstream_modules(module, as_package=False)
  • module (str) – A module name.
  • as_package (bool) – Whether or not to treat the supplied module as an individual module, or as a package (i.e. including any descendants, if there are any). If treating it as a subpackage, the result will include upstream modules external to the package, and won’t include modules within it.

All the modules that are imported (even indirectly) by the supplied module.

Return type:

A set of strings.

ImportGraph.find_shortest_chain(importer, imported)
  • importer (str) – The module at the start of a potential chain of imports between importer and imported (i.e. the module that potentially imports imported, even indirectly).
  • imported (str) – The module at the end of the potential chain of imports.

The shortest chain of imports between the supplied modules, or None if no chain exists.

Return type:

A tuple of strings, ordered from importer to imported modules, or None.

ImportGraph.chain_exists(importer, imported, as_packages=False)
  • importer (str) – The module at the start of the potential chain of imports (as in find_shortest_chain).
  • imported (str) – The module at the end of the potential chain of imports (as in find_shortest_chain).
  • as_packages (bool) – Whether to treat the supplied modules as individual modules, or as packages (including any descendants, if there are any). If treating them as packages, all descendants of importer and imported will be checked too.

Return whether any chain of imports exists between importer and imported, even indirectly; in other words, does importer depend on imported?

Return type:


Methods for manipulating the graph

ImportGraph.add_module(module, is_squashed=False)

Add a module to the graph.

  • module (str) – The name of a module, for example ''.
  • is_squashed (bool) – If True, the module should be treated as a ‘squashed module’ (see Terminology above).



Remove a module from the graph.

If the module is not present in the graph, no exception will be raised.

Parameters:module (str) – The name of a module, for example ''.
ImportGraph.add_import(importer, imported, line_number=None, line_contents=None)

Add a direct import between two modules to the graph. If the modules are not already present, they will be added to the graph.

  • importer (str) – The name of the module that is importing the other module.
  • imported (str) – The name of the module being imported.
  • line_number (int) – The line number of the import statement in the module.
  • line_contents (str) – The line that contains the import statement.


ImportGraph.remove_import(importer, imported)

Remove a direct import between two modules. Does not remove the modules themselves.

  • importer (str) – The name of the module that is importing the other module.
  • imported (str) – The name of the module being imported.
